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How I Got Here

I’m a 29-year-old teacher living in Florida who graduated with a degree in broadcast and electronic journalism. Storytelling has always been my passion, but years ago I made the decision to pivot from telling stories about the real world—the domain of newspaper reporters—and instead moved into the realm of the imaginative and fantastical through private creative writings. I eventually mustered the courage to post flash-fiction online through my reddit account, and the reaction was far warmer than I’d have ever imagined. In the years since that moment, I've managed to rack up literal millions of upvotes, and my short-form dramatic/comedic writings in post comments have launched my profile to the top 100 in comment karma of all 430 million active site users. The mass feedback and constant encouragement cemented my passion for creative writing—one can only read “you should be a professional writer!” so many times before the belief proves contagious. Now, with my first two novel manuscripts completed, I’m eager to share my stories with the wider world that inspired me… publication can't come soon enough!


Click the image to enlarge. Be warned: the image features strong language.

Sharing my work online was a major milestone for me, but I never expected such a positive response from the web at large. Below, you'll find a poorly-made collage of only a small fraction of the encouraging comments I've received throughout the years... these voices were my single greatest writing motivator. If you were one of the kind commenters spurring me on, thank you for helping me find my passion... and for people clicking the image below to zoom in on the collage, be warned: strong language abounds.

reddit comment collage.png
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