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Early Adopter

Published January 2024

The Price of Tomorrow, Paid Today

"Early Adopter" is a collection of short stories from the edge of human progress. Eight stories hold dark mirrors to our own world… experience thought-provoking sci-fi, technologic tragedy, and pulse-pounding thrillers.

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Must read 🏆

"A powerful volume of short stories that brilliantly portray the ethical and social dilemmas we face in worlds not much different from ours."

-Reedsy Discovery, ★★★★★

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Now available in digital and 
paperback formats!

Eight Visions of the Future

Dr. Laura Brandie is ready to change the world.
She's the lead researcher behind the KSE, a revolutionary cure for paralysis and neurodegenerative conditions. And now, by good fortune, she's found the perfect candidate for her first human trial: a man who suffers from locked-in syndrome.
Brett Harmon's paralysis is total: he can't move his arms, legs, torso, neck, or face. To the outside world, he's little more than a statue that breathes... but Dr. Brandie's KSE might be the miracle that allows Brett to run again.

Interested in joining the early reader program for future projects?

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